Veterans Day - Drew Techner honors Philadelphia Police Department and Fraternal Order of Police

Drew presenting ESGR patriot award to John McNesby

Drew presenting the ESGR Patriot award to John McNesby, President, Fraternal Order of Police, Philadelphia Lodge 5. Under John's leadership, Lodge 5 helped our family during Drew's deployments. Fellow Police Officer and Army (Captain) Chaplain Alfeia Goodwin assisted in presenting the awards.

Major Techner presenting

Major Techner presenting the Employee Support of the Guard and Reserve's Patriot award to Deputy Police Commissioner Steve Johnson. Veterans Day 2011. Drew was guest speaker this year for the City's observance of Veterans Day

major drew techner at veterans Day 2011

Major Drew Techner and Mayor Michael Nutter lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider of the American Revolution, Washington Square, Philadelphia. Veterans Day 2011.

drew techner with Philadelphia mayor michael nutter

With Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter at Washington Square - Veterans Day 2011. Drew presented the prestigious Seven Seals award (Employee Support of the Guard and Reserve) to the Mayor. Mary Beth, Sarah and Joey presented pins to all award recipients and got a chance to chat with the Mayor.